May 23, 2023 - SIX data traffic reached 634 Gbit/s

Slovak internet exchange (SIX) is a neutral point where telecom operators, internet service providers, content providers, broadcasters as well as other entities exchange network traffic.

SIX is operated by technical universities in Bratislava and Košice, which guarantee independence of the exchange point and ensure quick transfer of modern technologies into production - and at the same time don't compete with any SIX member.



Aggregated Traffic


Aggregated network traffic of all ISPs connected to the internet exchange.

SIX interconnects 63 networks.

Peak data traffic was 634 Gbit/s.


TRILL Infrastructure

SIX infrastructure provides 100 Gbit/s, 40 Gbit/s, 10 Gbit/s or 1 Gbit/s ports to connected members, in fiber and copper variants.

Smart routing of packets via shortest path, optimal utilization of all links and quick convergence are provided by TRILL protocol.

SIX backbone can be reconfigured without any service impact and is easily extensible to support additional connections.


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Route Servers and PMC Portal


PMC portal acts as a frontend to fully configurable route servers, which allow SIX members to establish peering with many peers at once, but also support individual peering configuration via web interface.

Detailed traffic statistics with each peer generated from SFLOW data, as well as other tools to manage SIX connection are also present on the PMC portal.

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Other Exchange Points


Centrum výpočtovej techniky STU
Nám. slobody 17, 812 43 Bratislava, Slovakia
tel.: +421 2 571 041 81, +421 2 571 041 83
reception: +421 918 669 162, +421 918 669 163


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